Console and Elad S2

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Console and Elad S2


Unread post by NJ3H »

Hi Simon,

I could use you help on this issue

I am using Version 3.0.24 of SDRC with my Elad S2.

When I set the SDRC attenautor on or off, I see and hear no difference in the signal strength or in the audio level?

My noise level is high around here at S6. Using the Elad native software, I see and hear the impact of using that attenuator function.

So what is causing this lack of impact from the SDRC attenuator? A couple of picture are attached.


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Re: Console and Elad S2


Unread post by NJ3H »

Just installed vers 3.0.26. Issue still exists.

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Simon G4ELI
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Re: Console and Elad S2


Unread post by Simon G4ELI »

Looks like a bug, will have to fire up my S2 to test. Thanks...
Simon Brown :shock:

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Re: Console and Elad S2


Unread post by NJ3H »

Thanks, Simon. If you can figure it out, perhaps the fix could make vers 27. Lol

Seriously take you time. Heaven knows you are just sitting around, drinking a brewski with your feet up.

Take care and thank you for your efforts making Console the very best sdr program available.

George, NJ3H
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Re: Console and Elad S2


Unread post by NJ3H »

Hi Simon,

I meant to mention that when I click on the attenuation button, I hear a relay click in the Elad S2. There is just not any signal strength change.

Maybe this will help you figure out what is going on.


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Re: Console and Elad S2


Unread post by Tony_AD0VC »

When you turn on the attenuator, the software automatically corrects the reading to compensate. After all, the actual signal arriving at the receiver has not changed so the reading should not change either. If you are not convinced that the attenuator is working, try disconnecting the antenna and then switching the attenuator in and out. You will see the displayed noise floor shift. The effects of the attenuator are not normally noticable if the received signal+noise are above the receiver noise floor by more than the attenuation amount (12db for the S2) and the receiver is not overloaded. If the received signal+noise is not at least 12db above the receiver floor then you will see a reduced SNR with the attenuator on. If the receiver is overloaded by less than 12db then switching on the attenuator will cure the overload.


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Re: Console and Elad S2


Unread post by NJ3H »

Hi Tony,

Thank you for your reply. You are spot on. Removing the antenna proved what you said.

What is interesting is that in the native Elad software, the change is visible when the antenna is connected.

Take care,


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Re: Console and Elad S2


Unread post by Tony_AD0VC »

Hmm. Just tried it with SW2 v3.033 and it behaves the same as console. The signal peaks do not move. I have an external low pass filter set for 530Khz for my NDB hobby. In the pass band of the filter, the noise floor does not move when I switch the attenuator. In the stop band where the external noise is absent, the floor moves up and down as I switch the filter. Exactly as I would expect.


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