Fantastic website for VHF DXers (inc. FM DX) -

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Fantastic website for VHF DXers (inc. FM DX) -


Unread post by Max »

I know there are a lot of FM DXers on this site, so although principally targeted at ham radio operators, this site by Jim Bacon G3YLA is a brilliant resource for anyone interested in predicting Es propagation.

Knew about it for a while but not really used it that much, but getting more into 6m I find it's like a magic wand at predicting and showing Es paths with startling accuracy, granted targeted mostly for UK and EU operators but also valuable data for those of you located elsewhere. Start at the "About" tab for the full user guide (left of frame) on how to use the site:

If you don't look at any other tab then go to EPI tab for the most informative map. See note top right about a small current issue with the display:

Just briefly, enter your location (Maidenhead is quickest) then rings are drawn instantly showing any chance of a "bounce" zone for Es to your location (first ring) and and likely destination (second ring). It's like a crystal ball for Es.

Jim's highly informative daily Es Blog:

Other very useful tools for HF and VHF on there too, including live updates of F2 activity from ionosonde data:

Also see here for superb Es propagation insights from Jim at the last RSGB convention:


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