Spectrum display: more options

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Spectrum display: more options


Unread post by NO6B »

There are times when I'd like a much faster FFT response, with no averaging. Even when the smoothing hang is set to minimum & decay set to maximum there appears to be ~250 ms or so of spectrum averaging. Same if I use the weighting option & move all the sliders to the left. Would be nice to have either a checkbox to turn off all averaging, or allow the decay slider to go much higher than 100 dB/s.

The max. hold feature is nice, but again I'd like to be able to have a true max. hold that continuously records the maximum signal instead of the maximum over a 2.5 second interval. Also would be nice to save spectrums to CSV files (freq. & rel. signal in dB columns).

The lower /2, 4 & 8 resolutions are nice, even with my new video card with CUDA as on NFM I don't really need the fine spectral resolution. In fact there are times when I'd like one spectral frequency bin to capture the entire power from a NBFM emission. To do that I'd need to be able to expand the resolution to ~15 kHz; right now /8 yields 30.5 Hz. Would this be hard to do?


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Simon G4ELI
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Re: Spectrum display: more options


Unread post by Simon G4ELI »

Noted. Myself I don't like a fast, unfiltered spectrum - bad for the eyes. The Perseus software has this, I managed to use it for 5 minutes many years ago before switching off.
Simon Brown :shock:

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