Waterfall Display Msg. Of: "RF Gain Too High"

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Waterfall Display Msg. Of: "RF Gain Too High"


Unread post by Robert111 »


Re the "Overload - Reduce RF Gain" window that flashes in the Waterfall Display when RF Gain is too high.

Seems to stay on for only a few seconds.

Valuable information. Very easy to miss (at least for me)

Might it be possible to keep it displayed until the RF Gain is actually reduced, the freq. changed, or whatever ?


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Re: Waterfall Display Msg. Of: "RF Gain Too High"


Unread post by jdow »

That requires a non-modal dialog which might be an unnecessary complication at this point. Such non-modal dialogs can get very messy when dismissed if due care is not taken (including breaking proper isolation between code modules.) It can be done. But, I suspect Simon has more pressing things on his agenda, like non-modal Property Pages.


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