RX-888 USB3 problems

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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by fventuri »

I am impressed - the CYUSB3014 comes in a 121 BGA package, and I thought it was a lot of work to replace it.
As per the UART, according to the datasheet for the CYUSB3014 from Cypress (https://www.cypress.com/file/140296/download), it should be on BGA pins D4, C1, C2, and D5 (see page 16). If you look at the back of the board you may be able to see if they run any connections there (and if so where they end), although being a 4-layer PCB, I am not 100% sure it is possible to see that.
If you find a way to access them, I think the baud rate they use is 115200 (probably @3.3V).


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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by sm6fhz »

Hi Franco.
What do I have to loose? As it is now I have no joy with it. Remove the few component (C's & R's) on the back side of the board, put it on a hot-plate, gently lift it and as gently put the new one in place and hope for the self-centering effect of the BGA's. Lots to win, not much to loose.

I have now tried it with the new dll (64 MHz BW) and HDSDR in an win7 environment. It runs for 6 seconds with 2 MHz BW on a i7. After that the data flow seems to stop / having problems or something similar.
So, it is not completely dead, just not keeping up with the data flow, as it seems.
73 / Ingolf, SM6FHZ

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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by Max »

Hi Ingolf. If it's not working should it not go back to supplier to be replaced?



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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by sm6fhz »

Max, I guess the problem is self-induced as you can read in my original post :-) / Ingolf

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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by fei666888 »

Have you tried other systems or computers? If the equipment is abnormal, the dealer can be recommended to replace it

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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by sm6fhz »

Hi Justin.
Yes, I have tried it on a win10, i7 laptop (where it worked just fine before), two different win7, i7 dektops and a win7, i3 USB2 laptop. It is all described in my posts above.
In short, it stops or crashes on any USB3 port (also the ones it did work on before) but it does not stop on a USB2 port (but it stutters very very much, of cause).
73 / Ingolf, SM6FHZ

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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by everstar »

So I have the RX-888 MKII and it crashes SDR Console 3.0.26 when I try to add the definition. I will add some screen shots next time I can capture them. Ironically if I select 666 it will load the definition. It doesnt seem like its really receiving though, just the single spike ever center of the display and waterfall.

I am using the latest drivers FSK Win 10 from the Cypress Site. Anyone else get this working with SDR Console?

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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by everstar »

USB 3 RX-888 MKII SDRConsole Crash. The computer is a beast so it cant be that! :)

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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by bagmouse7 »

You should try 2 things.
First, does it work properly when using HDSDR?
Second, go try a copy of SDR version 3.0.27.

I remember there were some USB driver/power issues that were resolved in 3.0.27.
Good luck.

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Re: RX-888 USB3 problems


Unread post by everstar »

So the 3.0.27 version does not crash. I dont feel like its getting any RF though except interference. HDSDR EXTIO has same result, radio connects and yet I dont see any signals. Its so odd! How do you select which antenna it uses in either program?

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