CAT control

MIDI, ...
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CAT control


Unread post by MM0TWX »

I use SDR Console V3.3 with an Adalm Pluto+.

I want this to be seen as a radio by HamRadio Deluxe.

I created a pair on com0com (COM9 and COM10).

I set SDR Console to use COM9 at 57600.

I set HRD to use COM10 at 57600.

Nothing. No communication whatsoever.

What am I doing wrong?



Posts: 4
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Re: CAT control


Unread post by MM0TWX »

PROBLEM SOLVED. It was a matter of flow control settings.

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Re: CAT control


Unread post by Max »

MM0TWX wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2023 7:50 pm I use SDR Console V3.3 with an Adalm Pluto+.
I want this to be seen as a radio by HamRadio Deluxe.
I created a pair on com0com (COM9 and COM10).
I set SDR Console to use COM9 at 57600. I set HRD to use COM10 at 57600.
Nothing. No communication whatsoever. What am I doing wrong?
Just to reassure, I have multiple serial port pairs working on SDRC to multiple programs (CW Skimmer, WSJT-X, Log4OM, CSVUB etc. etc.) with no issues at all so it can be done.

I can recall in the past quite a few people struggling with Com0Com. I believe there's a need when creating the two ports to tick the top options box "Use Ports Class" or it does not work for some reason.

If you do this and still no joy I recommend getting a copy of VSP Manager from K5FR instead:

He sends it out free to anyone licensed who requests it by email. Simon recommends it for use with SDRC also. This is the virtual ports software I've always used with SDRC and it's worked perfectly for me every time and know a few other instances of people unsuccessful with Com0Com who have had similar experiences and got things going with VSP Manager, but try my "tick box" suggestion first.



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Re: CAT control


Unread post by jdow »

MM0TWX, you do not mention whether you set HRD to speak TS-2000 or not. That is required. Go into the tools->options panel and turn on IO Monitoring to see if any data is passing between the two programs.

If no data passes you can cheat using the "PuTTY" program or perhaps the Windows 11 "Terminal" I've heard about but never used. Connect a PuTTY instance to COM9 and COM10 respectively. Set each to 57600 8n1 (8 bits per char, no parity, one stop bit). They should talk to each other if all is working. With Com0Com make sure the "Use Ports class" checkbox is ticked when setting up the serial port.


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