Compact Configurable RX tile to float and gestures for switching UI presentations of that control

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Compact Configurable RX tile to float and gestures for switching UI presentations of that control


Unread post by SFortin »

SDRConsole has now become my fav SDR software, and I keep finding more and more wonderful and powerful features.

If I could make one request... That would be a configurable RX window (?) Tile (?) that can float, rather than the current offering.
I'd love a very small U.I. element that not only provides CAT control of an external radio (use mousewheel to tune, but also click and enter frequency), but also allows selection of things like Mode, AGC setting, Noise Reduction. I like the drop-downs in the dockable pane, and I like how that can be all undocked and scrolled, but most of it can be minimized to one floating window (?) tile (?) after the other settings have been set. At that point I might just want to tune, change modes and select from the most common things that I've already set from a small window I don't have to scroll.

Maybe a right-click on that one pane could switch between the floating scrolled set of windows, to this one configurable window, and back with another right-click. Maybe a double-click gesture could restore the current scrollable/collapsable U.I. and dock it.

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Re: Compact Configurable RX tile to float and gestures for switching UI presentations of that control


Unread post by Max »

I know it's not the same as what you are requesting, but have you considered a midi controller? Many commands are configurable to such a controller with tuning wheel and buttons.

Also, a couple of shortcuts........ did you know that you can tune frequency using the keyboard left-right (x1 step)/up-down (x10 step) arrow keys when the cursor is hovered over the spectrum/waterfall ? Also the direct frequency entry box can be called up quickly with double press of keyboard Ctrl key.



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Re: Compact Configurable RX tile to float and gestures for switching UI presentations of that control


Unread post by SFortin »

Have not considered a midi-controller, no. However, I have a BT keypad I purchased on AliExpress, and one of the things I was going to ask in addition to the small UI interface was a "macro" capability, such that a certain key-combo could do more things in the SDR program, possibly several in sequence... Then I could assign Control-combinations etc, and automate many SDR program actions. I think the N1MM logger can do stuff like this, but I'm also going to ask the same of the guy writing the Kenwood TS-890 open890 program, which is an alternative for Kenwood's ARCP-890.

Oh and that keypad has two rotary dials... Oh the fun that could be had, if I knew how to have that fun...

Should I put in another enhancement topic on the subject of configurable macros and support of external BT keypads with rotary dials? Maybe there is already an Add-in for that.

Lastly, I did not know about the left/right, nor up/down, nor double-CTRL click combos! Are there a list of them? Heh heh. I have an issue with the CTRL double-click. That collides with the special key-combo used by my KVM switch that switches my two monitors, keyboard, mouse between a work computer, and personal computer... I would potentially need to change that if possible.
73 Sam

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Re: Compact Configurable RX tile to float and gestures for switching UI presentations of that control


Unread post by jdow »

I get the drift from past exchanges that the author of Ham Radio Deluxe has "done that" and does not consider it fun to do for SDRC. Now, this IS a sole author project. Said author is retired. As a retired person some extra income could motivate attitude changes. Ideally a GoFundMe for a few years worth of income and a really well thought out proposal could work miracles. OTOH, if Simon is like I am, well I have a 1 in 20 chance of dying this year according to US statistics. And that probability gets worse every year. So making it to 90 is, well, a strong maybe. I have money to make it to 100 and still be "not hurting much". It would take a very very serious motivation, income AND a really interesting task, to get me motivated. I suspect Simon is in an earlier version of that same boat. So your proposal for him for remote control should be very very well thought out, reasoned through, and consider all of SDRC's existing capabilities.

In shorter words, your desires here are not precluded, especially if they intrigue Simon; but, I would strongly recommend not holding one's breath until he decided to do it. He has some other things to do he considers fun and he is on a short downhill road of age and normally declining mental capacities due to that age. I hope he (and I) can wring an amazing amount of fun out of our remaining years.


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Re: Compact Configurable RX tile to float and gestures for switching UI presentations of that control


Unread post by SFortin »

from the other thread:
Support in the way of a macro-editor for automating SDRConsole.
Specifically, being able to map a key combo triggered by an external keypad (could be connected via USB, might be Bluetooth) input to the program, and have it kick off one or more SDRConsole actions.
(I'll add the key combo to kick off the macro could come from the regular keyboard).
73 Sam
p.s. I will probably make a nominal donation via the SDRConsole button. I wish I were retired. I have three in college. I'll stop right there on that one.

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