Spectrum Masking (cross-posted to SDR#)

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Spectrum Masking (cross-posted to SDR#)


Unread post by pauldbnut »

I've started my Christmas Present List early this year. The latest item is for any generous SDR software developers out there...

Similar to a list of markers to show on the spectrum display: this is a set of frequencies to *hide*  from the display, so that others will be visually more prominent.

Inspired by transatlantic MW DXing with its overlap of 9 & 10 kHz channel spacing, the idea is to mask out (e.g.) all European 9 kHz spectrum peaks so that any 10 kHz-spaced carriers show more clearly.

Applying this to the MW band display (or a broad segment of it), a significant number of remaining peaks should indicate good propagation from the other side of the pond. And help with quick tuning to any of them.

Of course I realise that there will still be a lot of display "noise", but my guess is the brain will easily suppress that in favour of a pattern of steadier signals.

Masking could have other applications by ignoring:
1. frequencies with "interference" such as persistent QRM, spurs, or other intruders
2. stations already logged, e.g. in the Air Band
3. local FM channels?

In contrast to markers at point frequencies, masking would perhaps benefit from a small range (e.g. +-0.5 kHz) about the centre frequency. User-definable? Even by channel?

Thanks in advance :)
Paul White (Grumpy Old Git)

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