VST plugins

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Simon G4ELI
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VST plugins


Unread post by Simon G4ELI »

VST 2.x Rea EQ (Rea Plugs Edition) external addon plugins.

Suggested by VU3OBR, Saro.

Some great plugins here.
Simon Brown :shock:

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Re: VST plugins


Unread post by rainstar »

also reaGate. I followed a tutorial on reducing noise in obs recordings designed for microphones so it only picks up your voice and not background noise between you speaking.
Turns out reagate is the most powerful, performant, capable, and smart squelch that exists in software.
  • rms dunno if other squelch solutions have a tunable rms, but this basically allows dynamically choosing to average noise levels over a window of time. helps not trigger the gate with transients.
    pre open delays audio a bit but allows opening the gate before the gate triggers, so the start of words or signals don't get clipped
    tunable lowpass/highpass and attack/hold/release are useful
    wet/dry mix - this is so useful. like, i can set the wet mix to 40db lower and it feels a lot less jarring than just on/off squelching.
I no longer use automatic gain control or squelch in sdr software. i just pass the output to reagate and let it do the work for me. it works extremely well, when tuned correctly.

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Re: VST plugins


Unread post by JetLee »

Hi Simon, new to SDR but love Console. Got my head around it now, great kit.
Is there any way to route the audio internally so I can use my vst plug ins? Be great to just patch them in the chain. 😁 I run Cubase 11 Pro. Be fab to use them in Console. Like this one.. This would be perfect 👌 https://www.izotope.com/en/products/insight.html

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