Freezing on startup

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Freezing on startup


Unread post by VK7ZPD »

Hi guys, I have an issue with V3.1, often it freezes on startup. I have 2 profiles, the Main for an RTL-SDR Blog V3 and a second profile for an SdrPlay RSPDX.
At any given time I only have one oif the above SDR's connected.
The installation has mostly worked without issue until recently.
After shutdown and on the next startup the program sometimes freezes on selecting the RSPDX and doesn't complete initialising.
I originally made a copy of the appdata folder ( (V3)) for the installation as a backup.
Once the program freezes, it will not initialise again without either a reset, or by copying the previously saved folder to the appropriate appdata locaton.
Over writing the (V3) folder in users/appdata/roaming with the backup copy cures the problem which looks like there is perhaps some corruption occurring within that folder.
I suspect that the issue may have started with a W10 update or perhaps may be AV related.

My operating system is W10 with the latest updates installed.
AV is Avast.
CAT controlled set is Kenwood TS-590SG
I also run the kenwood ARCP cointrol software and Voicemeeter Banana. All three applications have happily co-existed until recently.

Any clues as to what is happening here or a fix other than overwriting the appdata/user/roaming/ (V3) folder.



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Re: Freezing on startup


Unread post by VK7ZPD »

I suspect that the freezing (corruption?) issue is happening when the behaviour described in this thread viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1337 has occurred.

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Re: Freezing on startup


Unread post by PD3LK »

Maybe a bad power supply by your USB port? That's a common problem with USB radio's.
Disconnect as much as possible USB peripherals and connect only one radio.
Try another port on your PC/Laptop.
Try a USB2 HUB with a external power supply. At least 1 Amp or more so you can rule power shortage out and have some spare power for some extra radio's.

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Re: Freezing on startup


Unread post by jdow »

If the setup has been working fine and suddenly stops working fine list the most recent things that have changed and see if you can back the changes made out one at a time.


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Re: Freezing on startup


Unread post by VK7ZPD »

PD3LK replied "Maybe a bad power supply by your USB port? That's a common problem with USB radio's.
Disconnect as much as possible USB peripherals and connect only one radio.
Try another port on your PC/Laptop.
Try a USB2 HUB with a external power supply. At least 1 Amp or more so you can rule power shortage out and have some spare power for some extra radio's."

I don't believe it's USB or power related, it usually happens after the behaviour described in this thread viewtopic.php?f=71&t=1337 has occurred.

If I avoid creating additional receiver instances the problem doesn't occur.

I get around it by using a batch file to copy my backup of the /user/appdata/roaming/ (V3) directory.

e.g. xcopy /s/e "E:\Hamstuff\SDR\SDR Console\ (V3)" "C:\Users\philp\AppData\Roaming\ (V3)\"

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Re: Freezing on startup


Unread post by VK7ZPD »

Had another freeze on start today after a crash when changing settings, unable to retrieve the program by previous methods. The freeze was related to Identity 1 and not the Main Identity. Resolved by re-assigning the RSPDX to the main identity. I then edited the registry to remove Identity 1 entries, I was than able top load Identity 1 without freezing so it appears that something happens in the registry that causes the freeze.

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Re: Freezing on startup


Unread post by PD3LK »

A few test team members discovered freezing issues too, Simon is working on it, hang on until the next release.
73, Leon

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Re: Freezing on startup


Unread post by KA1GJU »

I couldn't get past the 'splash screen' on Superstation #4's laptop (W10 64bit) while trying to test another bug's repeatability. Never would the splash screen go away, lots of the background graphics were missing too. With every left click of the mouse on the waterfall or spectrum scope area, more graphics would appear... until it completely locked up. Once locked up, the logfile was inaccessible. Had to CNTL-ALT-DEL and kill SDRC via Task Manager. The only way to make it work was a total reset and removal of the register entry.

Now it works properly since the registry deletion.

73 Kriss KA1GJU
73 Kriss KA1GJU Home of the KA1GJU Super Station SDRC Servers in NH, USA (FN42mw & FN43na)

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