Yaesu offset?

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Yaesu offset?


Unread post by W3WTW »

I finally got a HUPRF PAT board installed and working after finally figuring out where to enter the FT-991A IF freq. Yea!!!

In SDR Console I can tune to a freq with a mouse-wheel-scroll over the freq display and I go to that freq. However, if I see a signal and I mouse-click on it, while the rig does change to that freq, the panadapter display no longer shows that signal. It's now somewhere else. So I click on that signal and the rig changes to that freq but the signal is now elsewhere. I'm chasing a phantom signal.
Does this have to do with OmniRig offset? I keep clicking signals and never actually getting to them.

When I mouse-wheel-scroll to a signal,. I can get to the freq but the signal displayed is somewhere else. I'm looking for the Inverted Spectrum setting but can't find it.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
73 de W3WTW

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Re: Yaesu offset?


Unread post by Max »

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Re: Yaesu offset?


Unread post by W3WTW »

Thanks Max. That's the page I've been staring at all morning but can't find it in SDR Console. I can't find the "Select Radio" window in order to select "Invert

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Re: Yaesu offset?


Unread post by W3WTW »

I think the SSB's are backwards. On 11 meters I'm listening to a signal at 28.514 USB. Listening to the SDR audio it's garbled, until I switch SDR Console to LSB and re-adjust the freq then I hear everything perfectly.

If I go to External Radio Options I see I can change the Mode Mapping ie: LSB<>USB, USB<>LSB etc. but then the ext radio is wrong.

I'm all kinda backwards here.

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Re: Yaesu offset?


Unread post by Max »

Yes, the flipped sideband definitely indicates need to invert spectrum. External radio mode mapping is NOT what you want! You do need to invert the spectrum on the SDR radio you are using as the panadapter.

Basically it's a two stage process. Find the SDR that you are using in the Definitions panel, then enable the "Invert Spectrum" option for that radio. This then will show the "Invert Spectrum" tick box when you "Start" the radio, which you now need to tick.

You have not said which SDR you are using, but let's assume for illustration that it's the SDR Play RSP2.


1: If the radio is running (Started) in SDRC, STOP it (top left of screen, Home tab).

2: SELECT RADIO button (right next to "Start/Stop" buttons).

3: Click DEFINITIONS (bottom centre of the panel that has come up when you pressed SELECT RADIO)

4: Where it says "SHOW THESE OPTIONS", check "INVERT SPECTRUM" (see picture below).
5: Press SAVE

6: This brings you back to the list of SDRs you have installed (maybe you only have one?) and now the "INVERT SPECTRUM" tick box should be showing. Select the SDR in the list to whch you wish to apply the inversion, tick the INVERT SPECTRUM box, then START your SDR.

7: All should now be well, assuming you put in the correct up/down converter offset for the radio i.e. the IF frequency out of your FT-991, which I am guessing you already did.

Hopefully this will sort it out.


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Re: Yaesu offset?


Unread post by W3WTW »

Max wrote: Sun Feb 06, 2022 12:13 am
1: If the radio is running (Started) in SDRC, STOP it (top left of screen, Home tab).
2: SELECT RADIO button (right next to "Start/Stop" buttons).
3: Click DEFINITIONS (bottom centre of the panel that has come up when you pressed SELECT RADIO)
4: Where it says "SHOW THESE OPTIONS", check "INVERT SPECTRUM" (see picture below).
5: Press SAVE
6: This brings you back to the list of SDRs you have installed (maybe you only have one?) and now the "INVERT SPECTRUM" tick box should be showing. Select the SDR in the list to whch you wish to apply the inversion, tick the INVERT SPECTRUM box, then START your SDR.
7: All should now be well, assuming you put in the correct up/down converter offset for the radio i.e. the IF frequency out of your FT-991, which I am guessing you already did.

TADA!!! I didn't realize I had to STOP the radio in order to get to the definition/invert spectrum. That did it! THANK YOU

Now, however the freq are off by 1.5khz. Tuning to 3.743 on the rig presents perfect on signal audio. However the SDR has to be tuned to 3.745.5 to be be on freq with the actual received signal. Is their an offset I need to change?

I think I found it in the OmniRig setting. I added 1500 to SSB-L and now it's right on! I guess I'll have to check a 10/15/20 meter when I can find a upper SSB signal. Bands are dead tonight.

I think I have it but do you have any suggestions for proper operation?

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Re: Yaesu offset?


Unread post by Max »

See the section here, sub-heading "Frequency" and especially the note about Yaesu radios and "per mode" settings:



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Re: Yaesu offset?


Unread post by W3WTW »

Thanks again, Max.

I had to add 1.5khz to Upper SSB and subtract 1.5khz from lower SSB to get everything on target. I'll have to check the other modes as signals permit.

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