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Airspy HF+ firmware upgrade self reversal?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:54 pm
by G0OFE
Had a wierd one today.

Took my recieving station completely apart as part of a reorganisation here.. when I put it back together, on testing MY HF+ (I have two) I found that performance was degraded and I only had the original number of bandwidths available, i.e. no 456khz or 912khz.

It's as if the old firmware version had reactivated itself. Not sure how this could be as I think the firmware is wiped as part of the upgrade process.

Anyway, I ran the upgrades again on each unit and all is well, but just found it strange.

The same SDRs were reconnected to the same USB ports (cables are labelled and were not unplugged from the PC)