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Frequency doubler option

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 9:23 pm
by ham73
I am using my ADALM-Pluto TCVR with the HYDRA 3cm TRX module (see DUBUS 3/2020) which is in fact <<for the TX part>> a frequency DOUBLER (using XX1002 = Macom frequency doubler) of the ADALM PLUTO TX e.g. 5,184,100 MHz = 10.368,200 MHz
I have a problem to read the correct TX frequency of the HYDRA TRX module at the SDR Console which is showing the ADALM-PLUTO TCVR (TX) frequency which is in fact in the reality a half of the TX real frequency.....

Reading the SDR Console manual I don't see any solution - only an option - IF converter to ADD up/down converter frequency.

I am proposing to ADD an option to the SDR Console: TX frequency duobler (2x) or tripler (3x)

TNX and 73!
