Default mode for new receiver radios

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Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:38 pm

Default mode for new receiver radios


Unread post by pe1hzg »


Since I'm now running "beta version 3.2 build 2645" I hope it is OK to report this long outstanding issue as a beta bug:

I use SDR console as spectrum display / waterfall to monitor the QO100 NB passband and monitor my transmissions.
I don't use it to listed to radio signals, only as spectrum monitor.

This means SDR console is run *without* a running receiver. I have the RTL dongle configured, I configured the transverter settings but there is no "receiver" - no big frequency display, no S-meter, no receive audio.

Every once a while it is useful, however, to start a receiver to listen to some signals. Unfortunately, when I start a new receiver it always starts in LSB mode and QO100 commonly is USB.
If I use the DSP panel to switch to USB, then the receiver does USB; I can start a second receiver which will also do USB. However, closing all receivers and then starting a new receiver again gives me a receiver in LSB.

Question: how do I set default USB mode for a new receiver? The only thing I have found is removal of the LSB mode completely, which I don't want to do.
But I have not found a "if you start a new receiver, start it in USB please". How do I do that, and where is the default setting kept?

Geert Jan
SDR console as spectrum monitor; no receiver
SDR console as spectrum monitor; no receiver

Posts: 815
Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:17 pm

Re: Default mode for new receiver radios


Unread post by jdow »

Receive (on ribbon bar) ->DSP on far right.

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