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Time to whine again. Zoom other than spectrum center.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:58 am
by jdow
I fiddled in my BIOS and turned on some overclocking features. R888 MKII works nicely. It works so absolutely nicely that zoom around tuned frequency becomes important and quite usable for covering the entire spectrum view. If I am watching the full bandwidth and spot something large at random but fairly frequent intervals zeroing in on it is rather difficult with the current matrix or radio spectrum, which is too narrow to be instantly useful, and impossible with the full spectrum. (I did run across a wildly off frequency pair of CB ops around 25 MHz on USB.)

A zoom around current radio's center frequency that behaves much like SDRSharp's spectrum and waterfall would allow zeroing in on it fairly quickly.

That zoom feature could be even better if it had buttons for 1 MHz range and narrower in a 1,2,5 or 1, 1.8, 3.2, 6 sequences in a drop list. If the graphing for the zoom is accurate enough this could also be used during calibration efforts.

(Speaking of calibration efforts a slider would be helpful to achieve audible zero beats with WWV than the stepping buttons.)

{^_^} (Thanks for reading. I just HAD to get this whine off my mind for a few minutes.)

Come to think a moment more on this perhaps yet another spectrum/waterfall display that can float or dock in with the main spectrum/waterfall view to full fill this zoom function might be the right way to do it. {o.o}