A proper way to zoom in

Also known as ADALM-PLUTO.
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Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2022 2:07 pm

A proper way to zoom in


Unread post by s58ua »

Hi! First of all, I must say I am enjoying the program a lot and am using it primarily for receiving from QO-100 and other sats. Simon, thank you very much for the great software!

I am having troubles to fully zoom in to see the received signal in detail. I need to use zoom an left-right sliders multiple times to "catch" the carrier which tends to escape from the screen :-)

Maybe there is an easier way to do the same? I made a short video showing what I do:

Also, it seems like when I fully zoom in, the Zoom slider is still not in the top position. This looks like a small bug, but it may be related to the unexpected frequency jumps I experience when trying to zoom in. This also happens when I try to zoom out a few steps and then zoom in again.

I am currently using a 64-bit version 3.2, Sep 18 2022, and Adalm-Pluto.

Thank you!

Denis S58UA/UR8US

Posts: 845
Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:17 pm

Re: A proper way to zoom in


Unread post by jdow »

Center the signal then zoom. All I can say for that is it's the way Simon does it and he's resistant to change.

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