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Creating a second RX on my FT-991A with IF ouput?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:49 am
by Jibeji
Here is the context: I am using a FT-991A on QO-100 with DX Patrol converters (144.500 MHz IF). Most of the time, I do SSB or FT8 modes.
A Panadapter from SDR Kits is installed (, which outputs a 70ish MHz IF to an Airspy HF+ Discovery.

The idea is to have CW Skimmer running lower on the band at the same time to alert me when someone is calling CQ, which means that SDR Console should remain listening on 144.505 MHz whatever the frequency is set on the TRX.
I can't use the External Radio feature as the listening frequency should fixed.
Is this doable?
Thanks for your help.