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"Ethical Diamonds"

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:29 pm
by pauldbnut
It may be inappropriate to raise an issue like this because of its political content, in which case I won't be offended to have it removed. I'm curious to know how other radio users feel about buying stuff from China, as I've got strong reservations.

To be transparent, there are times when a plug adapter or some other kind of rather low-value item is simply unavailable from any other source - then I'm grateful that China is enterprising enough to satisfy such a minority demand.

And if a "local" firm outsources manufacture to China, I'm disappointed but tend to grin and bear it despite the discomfort.

However, when it comes to higher-value items that are clones (or nearly so) of a locally designed product, I draw the line and refuse to support the "rip-off" industry. Even if I'm depriving myself of a bargain, or the design was in the public domain (maybe even "open").

Between those two extremes, of course, there is a much broader grey area.

I'm not suggesting we don't have sharp practice or downright theft in the West, but at least there are laws and accessible courts where a designer can seek redress if hard done by. With China, that is not so easy.

Besides that, why should I care?

Projections are that the Chinese economy will overtake every other nation's in the next decade. That's inevitable, and has a good side as well as bad. Still, I see no reason to hasten the process with its inevitable long-term result of further stifling local industry.

Then there is the political, and especially human rights, dimension. I do care about factory conditions, and don't accept the excuse that workers might be even worse off without such opportunities. Other kinds of discrimination and repression - even what amounts to slave labour - are too well-documented to be dismissed.

At a national level we express concern about these matters and apply pressure through economic or other channels. Isn't it right for individuals also to voice their opinion?

I know life is full of pragmatism and compromises and we have to find a path where we can live with our choices. How do others feel about "conflict diamonds"?

Re: "Ethical Diamonds"

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:47 am
by jdow
It has affected my willingness to purchase an RX888. I hate to do any trading with a country whose government has now declared it is moving to a war status for 2021 and has other unsavory practices. I also realize that kind of attitude might affect the purchasing decisions of people in other countries than mine. I could go on at length. However, this is not really a radio topic except with regards to my RX888 purchasing decision. (Well, that AND no external power supply facilities for the box.)


Re: "Ethical Diamonds"

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 9:03 am
by G0OFE
My wife is from China lol I don't think I'd worry about buying a connector from a Chinese source......

In all seriousness... a lot of what we buy passes through Chinese hands one way or another whether we know it or not. I understand the disquiet of many who do not agree about the way they govern their country....

Agree with the stance of drawing the line at buying a (for example) knock-off SDRPlay from a Chinese manufacturer.

Re: "Ethical Diamonds"

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:15 am
by G4ZFQ
Yes, a complicated situation. Like how far back do we erase history, if we removed Chinese-made items we'd have very little left.
The designer of the 888 etc is happy to see them produced for us to use.
73 Alan