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Delay Server<->Client

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:35 pm
by BengtM

I have the SDRplay, RSP2pro connected to SRDC server. Another PC is running in normal mode and audio (VB-audio) is connected to WSJT-X or MHSV. When I start the session the delay "DT" is approximately 1s which is on the limit for decoding. WSJT-x is slightly more sensitive than MSHV. There is a setting for IQ-buffering but the difference is very small, using 100ms right now. Is it possible to reduced the delay further ? Another settings ?

Another thing is, after a couple of hours the delay increases and might be up to 2s !? What's the reason for this ? If you stop and start the delay is back to normal arrow in the picture...

73/Bengt, SM6MUY